I purchased this cartridge for my own system. This is a cartridge that draws the absolute best out of my componentry. What differences did I hear between the (still very decent) Ortofon Black and the Frog? The imaging took on a greater dimension and the overall tone was clearer, more organic and engaging. The step up in imaging and soundstage was most noticeable along with the delicate attention to fine detail.
Although this was a bit of a scary expense, it completed my system. This is where the tyre meets the road, so I feel it was a great investment.
With increased fidelity comes great responsibility! Don’t be a slob like my brother (sorry Jamie), clean your Vinyl and this Cartridge will last a lifetime. The Knosti cleaner and Pro-Ject vacuum (or something like it) will extend the life of a brilliant cartridge like “The Frog”, making it ultimately an affordable investment.
Custom handbuilt moving coil cartridges with the coil of a GRASSHOPPER III and the frontpole and suspension of the GRASSHOPPER IV: the best cartridge available for its price.
The FROG ® is available in three versions:
Standard Version:
Output 0.65 mV/channel, matched crystal copper-wire coils and extra magnet modification
Gold Version:
Output 0.65 mV/channel, matched crystal gold-wire coils and extra magnet modification
High Ouput Version:
Output 2.25 mV/channel, matched crystal copper-wire coils and extra magnet modification